Sunday, November 24, 2013

Prompt 61A - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

  1. Dump them
  2. Lose them
  3. Tell them they stink and hand them a stick of deodorant
  4. Jump out of a highrise window
  5. Throw them out of a highrise window
  6. Badmouth their momma
  7. Go on a TV show and tell the world about their secrets
  8. Go on a TV show and fail to say “I love you.”
  9. Go on a TV show and embarrass yourself to the point that the episode becomes a viral Youtube video
  10. Kick their pet dog
  11. Yell “heads up” and toss them a kitchen knife
  12. Wet the bed a few times
  13. Steal their car and go on a high speed chase with police
  14. Get caught on a Ballpark Kiss Cam and don't kiss them
  15. Buy them a hotdog for their birthday (unless its an adorable inside joke)
  16. Tear the head off their favorite stuffed animal in a touchdown dance
  17. Find out that your boyfriend has stuffed animals
  18. Play a practical joke on them by peeing on their toothbrush
  19. Smack their butt in front of your church
  20. Fart in church
  21. Carelessly drop a Christmas candle and accidentally ignite the church
  22. Crash the children's Christmas program by running on stage in a spandex onesie
  23. Start your own church dedicated to them and create little clay statues with their face on it surrounded on a shrine in your living room by an assortment of demonic looking candles
  24. Tell them you're gay
  25. Crash their car into a sardine factory
  26. Forget your anniversary (If they are female)
  27. Forget their birthday (If they are female)
  28. Forget the Superbowl (If they are male)
  29. Tell them you are moving to china to work with children and then accidentally see them at the supermarket after you didn't go
  30. Tell them your favorite movie is Birth of a Nation
  31. Tell them you thought Schindler's List was a riot
  32. Tell them your favorite President is Bush (if they are liberal)
  33. Tell them your favorite President is Obama (if they are conservative)
  34. When she asks you if she looks fat in a particular garment just say “Do you...!?”
  35. Smoke crack
  36. Drink bleach
  37. Wash their favorite color shirt with the whites in bleach
  38. Blow up the house by incorrectly wiring the water heater
  39. Tie them to the bed and steal their credit card
  40. Take dancing classes and enjoy the dance with the teacher a little too much
  41. Suggest they get implants
  42. Turn off the TV right when their favorite show has reached the climactic finale and tell them that too much TV is bad for your health
  43. Buy them a weight loss DVD
  44. Convert to Scientology
  45. Enter a convent
  46. Convert to Judaism and botch the circumcision
  47. Duck tape their eyebrows and rip it off
  48. Tell them you're a Lakers fan
  49. Tell them you're a Yankees fan
  50. Don't compromise; don't communicate; don't give them your time, your energy, or your attention; and for goodness sake, make sure you only TELL them you love them, not SHOW them you love them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, right, Mr I Don't Dwell on the Dark Side!

    Many of these are very funny and most of them are mean and clever too, which is exactly the right ammunition for humorists! I am impressed, Mr Darkside.
