Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prompt 9: Free Flow

As I sit down to write, I begin to draw a blank. So, I strike up a conversation with myself.

“You are running out of time.”

“I know.”


“Shh, I'm thinking of a topic.”

“Well just start writing and the topic might fall into your lap.”

“OK. I'll try it.”

I begin to write.

“This isn't working. It stinks.”


“Well now what? This thing is due like yesterday.”

“Walk away, watch some football, and dwell on it. Maybe you will get an inspiration.”

“From what?! Football?! May-be. But it is more likely that I will forget all about this paper. No. I'm going to sit here until my head explodes out my ear.”


(Silence. Hands resting on keyboard but not typing.)

“Are you going to write or not?”


“Well go on then.”


I begin to type.



“This isn't that bad. I think I might have something here.”

“OK. Yeah. Maybe this will work.”

“I think so.”

I continue to write, moving line to line, transcribing my thoughts as they come to me and not thinking about where it will end.

“This is great stuff.”

“Yeah. It's like one of those weird free-form, existential things that poets write sometimes.”

“Oh wait.”


“I think I running out of steam. Not sure what to write next.”

“Well just type a few more lines and be done with it. It's pretty good as it is.”

“Yeah. OK...There. Last line. Done.”


  1. just start writing and the topic might fall into your lap.


    I'm going to sit here until my head explodes out my ear.


    Hands resting on keyboard but not typing


    I begin to type.


    not thinking about where it will end.


  2. Yup, my new plan is to exclusively use emoticons! No more toiling with comments and using those old-fashioned 'words'--I can say it all with a smile and a frown and, occasionally, a wink.

